Answers to riddles posted on Facebook 9/14/17: #1 An Egg #2 Time Check back for more brain teasers to keep your mind...
Are you thinking about making a New Years Resolution to be more healthy and active? Before you set up a new gym membership, let’s talk about how physical therapy can be huge booster to your overall health. With the guided help of professional, trained physical...
Family, food and festivities… the ingredients for great Thanksgiving memories. But, if you’re not careful, these memories could turn into aches and pains. As we all get ready to give thanks and kick-off the holiday season, we have some tips that can help keep...
No one wants to live in pain. But no one should put their health at risk in an effort to be pain free. Since 1999, Americans have increasingly been prescribed opioids—painkillers like Vicodin, OxyContin, Opana, and methodone, and combination drugs like Percocet....
Back-to-school season has got us thinking a lot about learning and grades. We thought about how throughout life we are graded in almost every arena. When we’re young, teachers grade how well we grasp the subjects and materials they teach, and coaches grade our...