Jaw Pain (TMJ) 

Targeted Treatment for Jaw Dysfunction


Improve Movement


reduce pain


increase function

What is Temporal Mandibular Joint (TMJ) Dysfunction?

The Temporal Mandibular Joint is a small joint that connects the jaw bone to the skull by the ear.  Used for opening and closing of the mouth, chewing, yawning, playing a musical instrument, and talking, this small joint can become inflamed or develop arthritis.  Symptoms of TMJ are:

– Pain

– Limited motion

– Difficulty chewing

– Muscle stiffness

– Clicking or popping in the jaw

– Ear pain

– Locking of the jaw

– Headaches




How Can Physical Therapy Help?

Physical Therapy is one of the most common treatments for TMJ.  PTs use a variety of techniques such as, dry needling, mobilization, manipulation, posture correction, soft tissue mobilization and jaw mechanic retraining exercises to restore movement and reduce pain.  


Many years of playing the clarinet caused me to have TMJ.  The pain made it hard for me to play.  After a few sessions of PT and dry needling I was back to playing as much as I wanted without pain.                          – Jordan V. 

What Should You Avoid While Being Treated for TMJ?

There are a few things that you should avoid if you have TMJ symptoms or if you are being treated.  These things can put extra stress on the joint and further cause inflammation, they include:

– Chewing gum

– Eating hard, chewy, or tough foods

– Leaning with your chin in your hand

– Biting on pens or pencils






Schedule an appointment

Schedule an appointment or call us to speak with our physical therapists to see if. we can help treat your TMJ.